Srila Gurudeva explains that the sound of the kirtan we perform here will travel throughout the entire universe. Just as a stone thrown into a pond creates ripples that reach the pond's edges, the sound waves from our chanting will spread through the ether and touch all corners of the cosmos.
Even the trees, animals, insects, and all living beings can hear our words. They are not just inanimate objects but conscious entities that can experience happiness and fear. It trembles when we cut down a tree, knowing it will be destroyed. Animals flee at the sight of humans, having learned from experience that we may harm them.
This fear and conflict permeates the world, with nations, religions, and individuals all fighting out of mutual suspicion. Only the devotees are free from such anxiety. Srila Gurudeva explains that the holy name of the Lord is supremely powerful, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu mercifully gave us the sankirtana movement to purify the atmosphere polluted by quarrelsome and lusty speech.
Through the medium of ether, the sound of kirtan can reach all living beings, offering them a path to transformation. Gradually, by hearing the holy name, they will shed their material forms and regain their eternal, beautiful spiritual identities. Without this sankirtana movement, Srila Gurudeva suggests the world may have been destroyed by now. This is the power of the sankirtana movement, a force for positive change in our world.
Therefore, we, as devotees, should take it upon ourselves to expand this sankirtana as much as possible. It is our responsibility to ensure that all can become happy by taking shelter of the holy name. The power of the divine sound vibration can reform the entire universe, and this is the greatest gift Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given to humanity. Let us be the bearers of this gift, spreading happiness and peace through the sankirtana movement.
(Bhakta Bandhav Anthology / Volume 54)

Hey everyone! I'm excited to share the track "Mama Deva Deva" by Jahnavi Harrison with you all. This beautiful kirtan is a heartfelt chant that invokes the divine, filling the air with reverence and love for the deities. I discovered the official music video while working on this post, and I am truly captivated by these uplifting vibrations of Krishna's holy name. Give it a listen, and let's spread the joy of this spiritual music together!